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CiscoB2BCX Transformation

Inspiring the future of work

In a time of radical transformation in the workplace, how can an iconic IT provider become the preferred choice amongst strategic decision-makers?

Mobile Visual

Understanding C-suites

Cisco is the darling of IT managers but needs brand preference amongst top-level executives. We first conducted an in-depth ethnographic study of C-suit IT executives to understand their needs, preferences, and insight-gathering behaviors.

I could see that CTOs live in a world of ideas and long-term possibilities; they are masters at gathering a broad range of insights quickly. They delegate short-term operational concerns effectively.


Standing out through conversation

Those insights helped me to determine that the way to appeal to strategic decision-makers was to offer thought leadership content with a clear thesis, separated from product offerings and designed for social media conversation.

To stand out against the largest companies in the world, I engaged multiple design teams in creative exploration and concept testing. The goal was to identify an editorial art direction that leverages Cisco's brand DNA and elevates the conversation. We also tested our IA, UX, and UI solutions with existing customers throughout the process.

Creative Exploration
Creative Exploration

The result is an ownable approach to thought leadership inspired by iconic magazines and Cisco’s DNA. It was tested as instantly recognizable and uniquely Cisco.


Leveraging c-suite insight, I briefed the UX design team on creating high-performance article templates that shine on social media, effectively communicate a clear thesis, and act as an entry point to topic exploration to be shared more often.
